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What's the correct way to say one's name?

Is it to say the first name first or the last name first? Whats the correct order in Nigeria.



Thank you Nigeria for Letting me Express my Interest to Serve

This is long overdue. A hearty appreciation for the support I enjoyed while I went all out to contest for the highest political seat in Nigeria.  My vision for Nigeria is that which will on...

Blog Post


PageCarton Theme Design Competition

Do you write HTML codes? Participate in PageCarton Theme Design Competition and win exciting prizes. Cash Prizes and other valuables worth 50k are to be shared to top submissions monthly. Get...



You are Invitated to Women's Fest 2019

To all the special women all around the world, I fecilitate with you on the occasion of the International Women's Day. The role of a woman in today's world is critical and we will be doi...



Offline is Bread, Online is Butter - The Future of Commerce is a Hybrid [Presentation Slide]

Ayoola Falola, Founder of PageCarton's keynote address at the South-West e-Commerce Summit & Expo 2019 at the Nustreams Conference & Culture Center, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Download the slide a...



“Yahoo Yahoo” and the Situation of Cybercrime in Nigeria

Watch this exclusive interview where Ayoola Falola, a leading cyber security expert in Nigeria bare his opinion on the situation of Cybercrime menace in Nigeria. 



Who would push me

It is about that time and season when men push men to run for political office. I have waited to see if anyone would push me, no one has dared. Well, I am done waiting - I am beginning to take char...



Common mistakes you shouldn't make with advertisement.

One of the surest thing that would keep you in business is advertisement. Take note of the following common mistakes and ensure you are not making them.



Leveraging IT for the growth of SMES in OYO state

Much talk about Information Technology, let’s get down to the business of putting technology to work as Ibadan Entrepreneurs Network (IEN) celebrates the 3rd year of impact in Oyo State, Nige...

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Advertisement and how it affects your organization

Learn about how advertisement affects your organization. One of the greatest decisions that would make your business successful is your decisions on advertisement.



This is why I send promotional messages to my friends

My friends regularly hear from me. Some may wonder why I never stop sending messages. BCs, promoted messages and adverts here and there. That's how we keep business running. 



Defining Opportunities: What opportunities should mean to you

One of the most abundant resource available to all creation. After an in-depth look into the under-used resource called "opportunity"; I took the following notes:



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Meet Ayoola Falola

Ayoola is a leading cybersecurity expert in Nigeria. He started out as a website developer in 2002 but today, he runs - an outfit that provides top-notch website development, online marketing and general marketing materials for businesses.

Meet Ayoola Falola

Ayoola is a leading cybersecurity expert in Nigeria. He started out as a website developer in 2002 but today, he runs - an outfit that provides top-notch website development, online marketing and general marketing materials for businesses.