I did a vigil last night watching “The Train”, a new movie by Mount Zion Films. It was such an awesome piece. While it may not seem like they have expended millions of dollars on that project, the Mount Zion films has once again proved to be a ministry set up by God for this generation. I want to use tonight to recount my experiences and share a review on the movie.
The Train was a movie scripted around the circumstances that surrounded the life of the founder of the Mount Zion Ministries - Mike Bamiloye. It was intriguing having a glimpse of what life was like for someone who was going for a vision no one else saw. That movie was in no way a “Christian movie”; I would call it a “life movie”. The only reason it could go into a Christian movie category was because the person whose biography was scripted was Christian exemplified. It is a movie every human being should watch before they leave this world.
What do I like about this movie
Well, there is so much to love about this movie but I will just share a few points from my notes. Hope you will learn one or two things along the way.
The honesty
I have seen a good number of biographies that was selective about the things they project - only showing the bright side of the subject and hiding some controversial areas to make the person in the movie look good to the public. But then, I have always thought that a good story doesn’t just project the good. The story should be made to project a full picture; especially stories meant for historic reasons.
Imagine the story of Jesus hiding that he actually went out to pray to his father to let him skip the “shameful death” - “And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me:” (Matthew 26: 39). Imagine the story of David without where he murdered Uriah (2 Samuel 11-12)
I love the fact that light was shone on the early time while growing up when Mike had a handful of bad behaviors. The fact that he gave his life to Christ and still backslide a number of times was notable. The fact that the he had “toasted” plenty sisters before he finally met Gloria Bamiloye. I believe these parts of the story didn’t only add beauty and originality to the biography; it also helped to send a message to a lot of people who might have similar experiences. For them to know that it is okay to make mistakes; that they are still covered in the plans of God for their lives.
The motivation
Not everything motivates everybody. We all have our differences that determine what motivates us and what doesn’t. But if the life of Mike Bamiloye doesn’t motivate you - especially as a Nigerian, then “na deliverance sure pass”. Can you imagine a poor Ijesha boy who had no pedigree and absolutely nothing up there to inspire him having, nursing and pursuing big dreams? The fact that he actually identifies good things and he actually goes for it is amazing. I notice that it is possible for somebody to watch that film and not take away the truth that Mike Bamiloye is actually a goal-getter. He sees something good; if he thinks it’s good for him, he goes for it. Many today wait for God to toast the girl of their dreams for them. Or wait for that dream job to miraculously appear - they don’t take the giant step towards achieving their dreams. This movie is a perfect starting place to learn how to shoot your shots.
The Message
- It is okay to have a humble background. God will use you for his glory regardless. God’s plan for you has nothing to do with your background. So we should stop letting our backgrounds limit us.
- There is a gift God has given you; that gift is your passport to bless the world. That gift is actually the skillful work you have in your hand. That thing you know you can do very well. That way you have to express your creativity.
- It is okay to be “the foolish one” sometimes. Mike was the foolish one when he declined the admission to Adeyemi College of Education. He was the foolish one when he resigned his role as a teacher. His foolishness is now what results into blessings for several generations to come. Being the “foolish one” here means you may be the only one who see the vision that God has given to you. Don’t let anyone kill the vision that God has given to you because they don’t see it or they can’t validate it.
- Have a team. God don’t give visions to people for them to do it alone. Even Jesus needed the 12 disciples. I love the way Mike had always had a team to work with. I guess the drama unit at the school fellowship was a breeding ground for him. Maybe we need a breeding ground to get a team of like minds?
Overall, I love the movie and I recommend it for everyone. Have you seen the movie? What do you think about it? Kindly leave a comment below. Here’s a link to the movie if you haven’t seen it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mFvb62VMkc
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