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 Here are the top results:

Are software developers born or made?

This conversation started as a Facebook post. I was "jejely" minding my business when Ibrahim dragged me into the conversation by tagging me. Then I decided to write an article instead to share my ...



Making all the sense out of PageCarton

When I started to write the codes of PageCarton in 2011, it seemed like the crazy thing to do. But then, crazy was not new to me. People around me knows me to be an ambassador f...



Why Presidential? Why not any of the local or state positions?

It is a frequently asked question and comments from people who wanted to know why I didn't opt to contest for any of the local government or state or legislative positions and why I decided t...



Heels of a worthy mentor

We often ask, "How do I know if I should listen to this person"? In choosing a mentor - results or experiences, which should be prioritized? In the following posts, I share my thoughts on what qual...



The testimony of a first-class hustle

It was at the thanksgiving service of the Gospel Students Fellowship (GSF) in FUTA sometime in the later part of 2010. We the final year student members of the fellowship were to come out to share ...

Blog Post


Client’s Anatomy: What to do while waiting for his call

So what will you do now that he has decided not to call back? What can you do? When a client has put you on hold?



I wish Linda Ikeji was on my list :)

Do you know you can get kicked out of your social media anytime without notification or apology? Read this.



5 more tips to keep you safe from fraud

I recently wrote ten (10) tips to help you keep away from fraud and cyber crimes; here are five more powerful tips that will help you stay safe from con artists.



Is Mandel Washington Fellowship really an invitation by President Barack Obama or is it an independence gift to Nigerians?

I think you should also apply. It promises to be a great - an opportunity to have a presidential privilege in the United States of America. You would have access to training, mentors, networks, fun...



Client's Anatomy: Why didn't he call back?

Anyone that inquires about your products or services is a very important person to you. Now what if he disappears after your first contact?



Search Engine Optimization

Ayoola's SEO strategy involves the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine...



Here's my latest announcement on PageCarton

Good day PageCarton people. Its a great season and I am excited about the opportunity it brings.



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Meet Ayoola Falola

Ayoola is a leading cybersecurity expert in Nigeria. He started out as a website developer in 2002 but today, he runs - an outfit that provides top-notch website development, online marketing and general marketing materials for businesses.

Meet Ayoola Falola

Ayoola is a leading cybersecurity expert in Nigeria. He started out as a website developer in 2002 but today, he runs - an outfit that provides top-notch website development, online marketing and general marketing materials for businesses.