Precisely one month ago, I shared a message about my my new visions on PageCarton. I made the announcement on the new version of our opensource project and also the new direction for the PageCarton community. It’s been an interesting journey.
Good news is, the new version of PageCarton codenamed Adadevoh is ongoing and is scheduled to be released on Aug 1, so that’s one month to go, right? I am so excited and so are every true fan of PageCarton. We are truly experiencing international participation and great feedback. I am happy about these.
However, we have seen all ups and downs on Adadevoh. Mostly about the disparity in commitments of individual team members. While we have recorded a number of the core team members who have been up to the task, we have seen some of us being very busy and not being able to keep up. As it stands, we are deploying all to ensure we not only deliver in time but also the best. We are still seeking to get more hands, it will greatly enhance our delivery. Sincerely, championing an opensource project especially in Nigeria is tasking. Our people really do not know how to engage or get involved, and we really need to keep inventing new methods every day to make the best out of the meager resources available. New challenges everyday but I am familiar with the challenging paths, they usually lead to great opportunities. I strongly believe this also brings great success. I look forward to it.
As for the PageCarton Community, it’s been all shades of good. People have expressed their opinion on the need to make the group run on a paid subscription. A good number have expressed dissatisfaction on the move and we have also received support from some members who are ready to support whatever move we believe will make the community progress. Today is the day we are to begin implementation of the subscription being the beginning of July. Members are expected to go to website to subscribe so as to remain a member of the community. I am hopeful.
More importantly, I want to express appreciation for everyone who have shown courage and support on our behalf. Your continued support is what has kept us this far. We will ride on this, while hoping for even a greater commitment and better numbers.
With this, I see a future of pride and reward for every single one here. I see a better web emerging; a more secure, easier and inclusive platform for everyone to build, network and share. We are getting to achieve what we set out for about a year ago at the PageCarton Conference in November, 2018 - a new web for everyone.
Meanwhile, I welcome you to July, a direction to a better future.
Best regards and thanks. My name is Ayoola Falola,
I am the founder of PageCarton. CEO of Comeriver LTD and all other brands of the company. I hope my message brings inspiration to your heart and courage to your soul. I hope together, we get to build something great. Kindly share this.
Once again, thanks!
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